Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Amazing Race 2024 Ep 1-4

 I managed to watch AR 2021-23 without having to post anything, but now I just can't keep my fingers quiet, and I'm only on Episode 2!!  My only 'issue' with 2023 was Anna Leigh constantly yelling at her dad, and making stupid mistakes in her rush.  They ended up 4th.

1) Maya and Rohon 1st couldn't figure out directions in Puerto Vallarta, and not surprising, were last to the mat.  Although, that surprised me that they were eliminated, since Phil told the others they were still racing.  If they're not done, then wouldn't they have had another chance??  But oh well....I found them annoying, so yay rah.

2) Kishori and Karishma:  OMG they're annoying also. Kishori doesn't take the time to READ THE DAMN CLUE in the 1st leg, but was fortunate enough she only had to put on a bandana to jump through the lariats again.  But now, in #2, they first can't find the bridge to get their detour clue, and end up at the Roadblock....but thankfully another team made the same mistake, and another team INFORMED them of that mistake. So both teams eventually found the Detour.  Now K&K can't find the purple balloons to complete their task, and are waaaaaaaayyyy off course.  I really hope they come in last on this episode!

3) Team Double-Dutch:  At least they're making up time from their mistake ^^^^^ and are making smarter decisions than K&K.  They've got potential....though I don't remember seeing them in the one episode I watched last month.  I could be wrong......

4) Twins:  I like these two, though I think they get eliminated in the episode I watched last month.

5) Team Firefighters:  I like them.  They work well together.

6) Team Pilots:  So far, they're doing well.  No drama.

7) Team Mother/Son:  I like the way he helps out his mom, and she's encouraging to him.

8) Derek and Shelisa:  Very supportive of each other, and I think this is the team that almost tapped out when they had to go down a steep hill in last month's episode.  S talked D down and was respectful of his fear. EDIT:  I was wrong; Double-Dutch is the one with the heights fear.

9) Girlfriends:  So far, they're working well together.

10) Team Father/Daughter:  OMG, take off the damn masks!  You don't need 'em, the pandemic is OVER!  Someone PLEASE tell them that running around with a damn mask on in the heat will make it WORSE for their health?  The only time teams had to mask up in 2020 was at the mat?  After challenges?  While on the plane??  I don't even remember....They get eliminated, and I have a question:  If they live in a ONE BDRM APARTMENT, where does Mary sleep?  Surely they don't sleep in the same room?  Or is it like the TV show Alice, and one of them sleeps on a pullout couch in the living room?  So strange....

11) Boyfriends:  So far, they're working well together.

12) Team Orange:  She's annoying; a Chrissy Teigan lookalike, and he's a former NFL football player. So far, they're working well together, but she needs to lay off the damn makeup and posing 'just so' for the camera.

Episode 3:  Columbia  I already watched this, so only watched the ending to refresh my memory on who was eliminated.

Order of Finish:

Team Boyfriends

Team Nurses

Derek and Shelisa

Team Pilot

Team Orange

Team Girlfriends

Team Firefighters

Team K&K

Team Mother/Son

Team Double-Dutch

Team Twins.....Eliminated.  Too bad; I liked them.

Episode 4:  Columbia

The world is smaller than you think...answer to the Rebus puzzle.  Cracking up over some of the guesses!  The firefighters are SO off track....then they switched and got the dance on the 1st try.

Art Sculpture task:  Karisma and Michelle have NO idea how to read a map....Thankfully, Sunny figured it out!

Team Boyfriends

Team Nurses

Team Mother/Son

Team Orange (bickering all the way; Rod isn't listening to Letitia)

Team Pilots

Derek and Shelisa

Team Girlfriends

Team Cousins (after 18 tries!)

Team Double-Dutch eliminated.  Not sure if Michelle solved it or not; they showed 19 tries.

Team Firefighters

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