Sunday, June 9, 2024

Unvarnished Truth, Pt 4

 Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I had been looking forward to seeing my friend J when she arrived back in town (we've not seen each other since 2016 or 17, though we frequently chat on FB), and had looked forward to our breakfast at the Carnegie Diner.  But when plans changed, due to rain, I sent her a text, letting her know.  She canceled immediately, since she was "turning a lot of people upside down to make that date with you..." and " can't keep people waiting to hear...." I took her tone to be a little testy, and responded with the fact I was upset with the plan change also. I'd PM'd her as soon as I found out on the 26th, so it's not like it was last minute or late at night on the 27th, but it couldn't be helped, and our subsequent conversation was more friendly.

So Monday night, Nan and I discussed Tuesday plans, and decided we'd rather walk up 5th Ave, instead of going to The Edge. I texted Joyce and Natalie our decision, and we went to bed.

Tuesday morning, we slept in and showered, then armed with our Google Maps, headed over 1st to La Maison du Chocolate, taking pictures of interesting buildings and signs. I had Nan take one of me in front of Simon and Schuster, and I wished I'd had a copy of one of my books with me! Went to Rockefeller Center and took pics, then found La Maisson. Bought 4 macrons, 2 chocolate, 2 caramel, and a 3rd chocolate to eat right away:) When the saleslady discovered it was my 1st time in NYC, she threw in some samples for me:) Then we headed back out.

Found Saks.....the Lego store....the Nintendo store....Victoria's Secret...and Trump Tower. Nan located the B&N, but time was running short, and we needed to start heading back to the hotel. She went over to the pizza place; I opted for another hot dog. Then we headed upstairs to change for the dress rehearsal and concert. We needed to be downstairs by 2:30, and in line by the stage door at 2:45.

Nan decided to rinse off in the shower (it WAS warm outside!), and I quickly changed into my black dress shirt, black dress slacks, thin black socks, and my china flats. I tucked my makeup, extra shirt, ID, phone charger, music folder, and reading material in my backpack, and was ready by 2:20. Nan was out of the shower and getting dressed. Phone began blowing up at 2:25; I assured them we were on our way. In fact, we hit the elevators when Nan discovered she did NOT have her folder. I held the elevator while she ran back to get it. We were downstairs by 2:30, and Carnegie was 2 blocks away. The problem is, we didn't know where the stage door was located! If it was on the far side of the building, we were screwed. She trotted across the street as I checked the time....we had 3 minutes to find it. Fortunately, the stage door and line was to our right.....and the earlier rehearsal had run LATE, so we didn't even ENTER the hall until closer to 3! Joyce had texted me, asking if we'd made it; I replied we were in line.

We entered the hall, and they had us in 2 groups: Rows 1-3 and 4-6. Those of us who were seated or had mobility issues were to go in the massive elevator. So up maybe 10 of us went, and my 1st glimpse of being on stage was, "WOW...this is so cool!" I took a selfie of myself with my back to the empty theater, then grabbed Amy and sang the opening lines of Styx's 'Best of Times'. We took our seats, and waited for the rest of the group to join us. When Pepper walked out, we ran through the entire cantata, and I was able to snap a few more pics of him. Afterward, we rehearsed how to leave the stage, and were released for the next 90 minutes. Nan and I walked around the block and posed with our poster, then found a market and bought drinks. Also found the Russian Tea Room ($150 per PERSON for high tea!)

Walked back and took pics with our group in front of the poster, then I went inside and put on my glittery silver eyeshadow and Candy Cane lipstick. Put my phone on the charger, since we weren't allowed to have it onstage. When it was time, the ten of us to ride the elevator did so.....and discovered it was slightly too early, so we went up.....and came down. We joked it was the 'practice tour'. Then it was really the time, and we took our places before the rest joined us. The place was full, at least the main floor and the 1st balcony:) Pepper walked out......and we began!

Afterward, the soloists and directors bowed, then we exited and were taken to the main floor, where we could watch the 2nd act. I knew the gift shop was open during intermission, so I grabbed my credit card out of my music folder and purchased the white notebook with 'practice, practice, practice' on it, and ran into Amy's boyfriend, then showed him where we were sitting.

The 2nd concert was nice, and I enjoyed both soloists. Afterward, we met up with our group at the prearranged meeting area and walked to the Empire Steakhouse. Our table was at the back, and soon we were enjoying the BEST meal (quantity-wise!) of the entire trip:) Buffet-style, with eggplant parmesan, salmon, noodles, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and rolls. For dessert, chocolate mousse cake. Cheryl didn't want hers, so I ate it.....then Mike didn't want his, so again I ate it. A 3rd person offered me theirs, but I'd hit the wall. However, Nan took it home, and I ate it for breakfast the next day:)

Mike proposed to Amy before dessert, so we were all in a celebratory mood!

I knew I wanted a glass of wine, and had seen the 'glass: $18.95' price, but what I hadn't realized was, that only pertained to that particular page! So when I asked our server for a sweet red, he recommended 'Old Prisoner', and brought me a glass, and the bill.

Thank god, I'd looked at the bill first. $45! I got his attention and told him I couldn't afford it, and to send it back. A few mins later, it landed beside me again, and he said that Kim had bought it for me. I thanked her profusely, and discovered it wasn't sweet; it was semi-dry. But not so dry I couldn't drink it.

Two of our members also had a rather heated debate over the picture on the wall. It was a scene out of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, with Margot Robbie, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Brad Pitt. A didn't think it was Margot, even when I pulled it up on Wikipedia, to back up J's opinion.

Afterward, we found Pepper and had our pictures taken with him. Again, I thanked him for the wonderful opportunity he'd provided. We walked to Times Square again and saw some YouTube dancers, then returned to the hotel. I pre-packed, set my alarm for 7am, and went to bed.

Tomorrow....Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and heading home!

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