Monday, June 24, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W17

 Day 69: Hot, 90

Arrived to discover my hours this week were cut to 5.5, but clocked in at 3 anyway. Did soda count, but only had Pepsi and Lemonade. Did prelim duties; things picked up at 4:30 when they sent Alice to SCO. Took my lunch at 8.  Did manage to get my AP4Me done. Swept the highlights and fronted the soda. Pulled trash after lunch. ASM Charlie brought in the concrete and took the trash after I locked the doors. HC Shel cleaned me out; returned item to RTM and put up my vest. Clocked out at 10:35, then brought in 3 carts, one flat cart and one H cart.

Outfit:  Blue MLR tee, cut off capris, thick silver hoops

Day 70: Rain, dropping temps 90-77

POURED when I got there. We were busy at first, and Alice pissed me off when she needed a Code 50, and asked me to find him 'b/c I'm off the clock and want to go home!"  Well boo-ho....suck it up, buttercup....I'm sorry they cut my hours back this week!

Rest of shift was slow; at 7:30, after sweeping, I logged onto YT for Between 2 Brians and listened. HC Austin sent me to break at 8:15. When I returned, rang up more customers, listened to rest of the show, then mucked the mats, swept the horseshoe and the concrete dust, sanitized the registers and coffee bar, and wiped down #1s counter. Locked the doors at 10, and after ASM Charlie took the trash and brought in the concrete, and HC Austin cleaned me out, put up my vest and returned an item to Hardware.  Clocked out at 10:35.

Mycah and her cover model arrived for her complimentary gift, and also paid her $50:)

Outfit:  Gray Vincennes Eclipse tee, cut off capris, light blue studs

Day 71: Sprinkles, 80s

Arrived and took over for Alice; did the prelim duties, and assisted Emily with former loader Tim's VSP order. Halle sent me to break at 7, but was shanghied by one of my customers in Fashion Bath.  Gil had dropped off a box of books, so Alice pilfered a Mary Higgens Clark, and I left her 2 more in the break room.  Took the rest to my car. Returned and kept busy with customers and sweeping.  Pulled trash at 8:30, and tuned into the Star Chamber Show at 9. Got busy at 9:30 with 4 customers in a row, then finished sweeping, pulled the rest of the trash, sanitized the coffee bar, and locked the doors at 10.  Loader Joe watched the register while I took a pit stop. He brought in the concrete after HC Kay cleaned me out, and Loader Conrad took the hopper around. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Black Eclipse tee, cut off capris, copper/larimar danglies

Off tomorrow!

Day 72:  Hot, 90s

Arrived and was instantly busy. Did get the prelim duties accomplished. HC Austin sent me to break at 6:45, and when I returned, he was still busy....and that's when things went downhill.  Customer A wanted some siding ordered, but it kept wanting to save as an estimate.  Called ASM Chris down, then hopped on 2.  Customer B had a phone sale, so managed to take care of him, plus one more. Went back to #1 and took care of A, then ASM C was trying to change the delivery fee on Customer C. Had to transfer it to me, which pissed off the next customer in line, who left.  Couldn't figure out how to change it, so they ended up going to CS. I realized it was almost 8:30 at this point, so pulled trash....and stabbed my left palm with a jagged piece of board. Began sweeping.  Customer D was "ready" to check out, and had a cart full, so I grabbed another cart in preparation.  D chose to swerve around me and go out the door. Then, Customer E walks rapidly past me with a Craftsman tool, and doesn't stop. I got outside and saw them take off in a silver Jeep, and try to drive around the building. I grabbed the abandoned empty cart and pulled up my camera app on my phone, and snapped their photo as they passed me.  Got a BAD picture of the license plate....then called ASM Chris, who showed me how to find the Theft and RWD forms.  Finally got the Theft one filled, and was nearly finished with the RWD, when I had a customer. Went back....screen was gone!  Had to do it all over again, which meant now it was 9:30 and I only had time to finish sweeping the floor and finish pulling the trash.

Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash while I locked the doors.  HC Austin cleaned me out; I returned items to Tools and Hardware, then put up my vest and helped Izzy with HER theft report! Some a$$hat decided, at 9:50, to help himself to 5 hydrangea plants.  Geez....Thank GOD I'm off this weekend!!!

Outfit:  Yellow Fla tee, faded cut off capris, dark blue studs

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