Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W16

 Day 65: Hot, high 90s

Arrived and took over for Kem; was BUSY for 20 mins! Demanding customers; loaders Con going in and out on forklift; pro customers leaving with multiple carts. By 3:20, they'd all cleared out. Did prelim duties, and at 4:15, asked Pro Nell if she'd watch the register while I rinsed out the coffee carafe. Afterward, found Kate at the register, who said she was there to cover my lunch! So I went to lunch:) Returned an hour later and fronted soda, brought in carts, and began sweeping. We never were as busy as we had been at 3, so I managed to get everything done, including AP4Me and LU, by 9.  D came in around 7:30 and chatted with me, and at 9:30, one of my customers, whom I'd not seen in a while, told me I'd helped him out a while back, and to keep the $13 change.  Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joey brought in the concrete. After HC Kay cleaned me out, I took the trash to the hopper, returned items to Tools and Aisle 48 (dowel rod), and put up my vest. Clocked out at 10:35.  Rain began when I arrived at 6th and Busseron; picked up the moment I stepped out of the van.

Outfit:  Blue LU tee, long capris, small flower diamonds

Day 66: Mid 80s, humid

Arrived and took over for Kem. Was slightly busy for an hour, then things tapered off. Took my break at 4:45 before A left at 5. Did the prelim duties; fronted soda. Swept the area, and HC Kay sent me to lunch at 6. Returned an hour later and finished sweeping, then did my LU. Mucked the mats and sanitized the coffee bar. Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the hopper around; I closed the door. When HC Kay cleaned me out, I put up my vest and returned items to Hardware and Gift Cards. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Dark gray IN tee, long capris, diamond studs

Off the next two days; going up to Lafayette to take Mom to an appointment.

Day 67:  90s, humid

Took over for Kem; spent first hour ringing up customers. Alice took her break; fronted soda. Chas came down at 4:30 to send me to lunch; I told her to come back at 5. Theresa sent me to lunch at 5:30, and when I returned, she was still busy!  Was busy all the way until 9, when I could finally do the closing duties.  Pulled trash, filled bags, fronted soda again, and swept the high traffic areas.  Whomever was 'me' Thursday hadn't emptied the outside trash; had to have Loader Joey do it, then discovered we only had one trash bag left. Used it for outside. After Loader Joe brought in the concrete and took the trash, I locked the doors. HC Austin cleaned me out; I returned items to Tools and Hardware, put up my vest, and went to Receiving for more trash bags.  Filled my larger one and put the roll in the cabinet. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  White Valspar tee, cut off capris, thick gold hoops

Day 68:  Rare Sun 90s, humid

I was extremely tired after my busy Saturday, so I was happy to see not many vehicles in the Lumber area when I pulled into the lot. However, when I arrived in Lumber, Marilyn's line was 5 deep. Hopped on #2 and helped purge it, then sent M to break. Was constantly busy. Took my break at 4:30. She left at 5, and things slowed a little; was able to get the prelim duties done and a little sweeping. Final customer left at 8. Locked the doors; ASM Charlie brought in the concrete and took the trash. Returned items to Tools, Plumbing, RTM, Seasonal, Aisle 1, ISLG, and Hardware.  Clocked out at 8:45.

Outfit:  Blessed G'ma tee, cut off capris, silver and sapphire hoops.

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