Monday, June 10, 2024

Life In Lumber: Y6, W15

 Day 60:  Sunny, low 70s

Arrived and took over for Kem.  Was surprisingly busy for 2 hours, then did the prelim duties. HC Kayla had indicated I was to take my lunch at 5, but when things slowed down, I called; we were short-staffed.  I said Pro Nel was still there; she wasn't leaving until 9. Kay said to take my lunch now.  I looked up; Nel was gone.  Paged her, and asked her to return to Pro, so she could cover my lunch. I returned an hour later and Loader Harlan informed me she wasn't happy about being confined to #1!  Oh well.....Swept the area thoroughly, did my AP4Me and LU, pulled trash at 9, sanitized the registers and counters, mucked the mats, and fronted the soda.  Turned out Will had done a no call/no show now 3 times.  Too bad; he seemed fairly decent last week.  Tonight was HC Britt's final day; as we waited for ASM Alex, she played 'so long, farewell' from Sound of Music over the intercom....then Izzy played the Rent Theme, cracking Britt up!  I brought in the final wheelchair scooter, and clocked out at 10:30, after returneing items to Tools and ISLG.

Outfit:  Dept of Having a Good Time tee, dark jeggings, thin gold hoops.

Day 61: Warm, high 70s

Arrived and discovered Kem had left at 11. Had Dawson stay while I emptied the coffee, then sent him on his way. Things were surprisingly slow; I went to break at 4:20 and Alice left when I returned. Did my LU and began sweeping; had most of my closing duties finished by 7, when HC Kay sent me to lunch. Returned and finished the closing duties and pulled trash. Had a customer with 2 large carts, but his card declined. Had CS on the phone; they suggested running it through Genesis. So we (me and T from flooring) saved it and sent him down to CS. Think I had maybe 4 customers after that. Locked the doors at 10; Loader Joe brought in the concrete. HC Kay cleaned me out; I took the trash down. Put up my vest and clocked out at 10:35.

Outfit:  Blue/white striped tee, faded cut off capris, double hearts

Off tomorrow!

Day 62:  Hot, low 90s

Arrived and took over for Kem. Was busy all evening. Took my 1st break at 4:30, and when I returned, Alice left. Did prelim duties, and had begun sweeping when HC Shel sent me to lunch at 6:10. Returned an hour later and was busy until 9:30.

Saw BWG!  Also, Scott asked me to get 10 surveys and he'd give me a $25 TX Rdhouse GC.  I KNOW I got one; Ben did it at the counter. But did I convince 9 others to do so?  I don't know. Did do my LU and got the floor swept; Loader Harlan had to leave, b/c he fell down the stairs at his house, yet came in anyway. So Jean for OSLG was  with me all night. Locked the doors at 10; J brought in the concrete and took the hopper around. Someone installed new plastic trips over the far lumber door....we can see through them again!  After HC Shel cleaned me out, returned items to Plumbing and Tools, then put up my vest and clocked out at 10:35.

Outfit:  Blue flowered blouse, faded cut off capris, antique silver and pearl danglies.

Off tomorrow for the author signing at GSH!

Day 63:  Rare Sat Hot, mid-90s

Arrived at 3 and took over for Marilyn, then found my dustpan, walked HC Kay to the cash office, and returned items to Tools and ISLG.  Emptied the coffee bar trash.  Rang up a customer or two.  Took my break at 4:40.

Then Robin left at 5.

I think every self-righteous, entitled customer came in. Loader Charles (sporting a walking boot on his left leg-he'd stepped into a hole at McA's and sprained it badly), was in hot demand to load 30 cement blocks, 8 bags of concrete, and a huge amount of plywood and drywall. As I was ringing up this customer, a woman tells him they need help in Insulation.  He says he'll get to her ASAP....after he finishes loading Customer #1.

He's not even done when she returns, telling me, "we've been waiting for 10 minutes; where is he?"

"He's still helping the customer; he will get to you next. Please be patient; he's the only one in this dept."

I finally called a Code 3 to Insulation.....and never saw her again.

Customer #2 arrives and needs 6 long boards, plus concrete, 30 rolls of insulation (NOT the ones from before!), and the insulation machine. C and ASM Charlie load them.

Customer #3 needs plywood AND a board cut. ASM C cuts the board; Charles loads the plywood.

By now, it is after 6; Charles' ankle is throbbing.  I tell him to go sit down for a few; ASM C goes to lunch.  I'm still stacked up with customers, but get the occasional break to go retrieve carts from the sidewalk or to grab a drink of water.

Then Customer #4 tries to turn his cart full of drywall around the snack area....and DUMPS the sucker sidestack. Suckers go EVERYWHERE!  So now I"m trying to ring up customers, pick up the candy so no one trips/steps on them, AND reload the stack!  Thankfully Nick from Tools jumped in and got them all put back together.  We never did figure out how to hang it back up.

Customer 5 arrives and tells me, "Your lumber guys are A$$HOLES! These two (shows me a pic of ASMS C and SCH) stood back there for 10 mins, never offered to help..I dropped a board on my hand."   I did manage to get her into a better mood, and she left with a smile on her face.

By 7, customers were still in line, but beginning to dwindle, and the purchases were beginning to be fewer. Kate arrived at 8 to send me to lunch.  I HAPPILY disappeared for an hour.

When I returned, Kate said she'd only had maybe 3 customers the entire time.  I told her she should have relieved me at 7, lmao!  I spent the last hour sweeping, sanitizing the coffee bar, pulling the trash, and refilling the bags.  I didn't even have time to front the soda, muck out the mats, or even wipe down the registers and counters.

Found out I did NOT get 10 surveys Thursday night, but I did end up with at least 2.  ASM Scott said we'd try again at some point.  Also, someone had brought in several desserts; I ate 2 red velvet mini-cupcakes and took the rest of the Rice Krispies down to Lumber after lunch.  Oh, and K and J brought the girls over to see me; O had her hair in a 'Cindy Lou Hoo' ponytail; B's hair is still too short.  I held B while we chatted, and even rang up a customer. She wiped her cheek every time I kissed her, lol!  K said he's going up on Thurs; I said I'd still be there, so we'll take G'ma Sally to lunch.  Then I'll leave, and he can have her to himself the rest of the day:)

Locked the doors at 10; ASM C brought in the concrete; HC Kay cleaned me out; I took the trash to the hopper. Put up my vest and returned items to Paint and Hardware. Clocked out at 10:30.

Outfit:  Rob Strong tee, faded capris, silver crosses

Day 64:  Rare Sun Father's Day Mid 90s

Arrived at 3 and helped Marilyn  prepare for a VSP sale....but they did it back in flooring. We traded off customers for an hour, then things slowed down. I did the soda count, then filled it. When she left at 5, I was busy for a while, and did the prelim duties and brought in carts from the sidewalk. Chasity sent me to break at 6:15 and when I returned, pulled trash and mucked out the mats. Spot swept, since my dustmop was MIA. Locked the doors at 8; ASM SCh brought in the concrete. 

Saw previous loader Juan:)

Returned items to Aisle 10 and put up my vest. Took a cane to Lost and Found. Helped CS with returns to Aisle 5 and Millwork, then clocked out at 8:45.

Outfit:  Brown blouse, long capris, neutral danglies

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