Monday, October 14, 2019

Imaginarium 2019

First of all, a recap of what I resolved to do differently from last year:
-Leave Teen at home (unless the YouTube panel/workshop will be presented.
-Double-check panel descriptions and ONLY ATTEND MY PANELS!!!
-Try to fund a full table ($110) and leave my display racks at home.
-Spend more time at my table!

Did I Follow My Own Strategy?
Sort of....left Teen at home and only attended my panels.  I did have a full table, but shared it with Nancy.  Not sure why I wanted to leave my display racks at home....

Picked up the rental car, dubbed the 'Mint Green Monstrosity' aka Ford Fiesta, and got a late start, due to the rain.  Grabbed lunch at Arby's at I-64, and headed to Louisville.  Arrived at 2:28, parked, ran into the convention, spotted Holly behind the desk, and said, "I'm going to watch the movie (Hand of God), then check in."

"Go ahead; I know you're legit!"

The room was dark, but I finally found a seat and watched maybe the last 5 minutes.  I couldn't read the subtitles, but still managed to get the gist of the short ten minute film.  The sound was too loud in places, but afterward, Holly stood up and talked about some things that had happened behind the scenes of filming it, such as the director having the actors sit with their feet in ICE, to create the uncomfortable look on their faces and posture.

After checking in and getting both badge and table assignment, I moved my car closer to the door and unloaded with the help of friend Brian K Morris, who also helped me set up my table.  Checked into the hotel and was dismayed to discover we were NOT on the 1st floor, but the 2nd (2220).  Put my suitcase away, then returned to the convention.  Nancy arrived, and we got her set up, then returned to the room.  Thought we might split a pizza with Carol, but as I googled Papa John's, I discovered we weren't that far from Panera Bread, so N and I decided to go there instead.  Then, N had a coupon at B&N for BOGO cookies, and I ended up buying three books and a journal.  Returned to the room and went down to Rm 1116, the Per Bastet party, and were there for about an hour before heading back upstairs and going to bed.

Ate a delicious breakfast of a bagal and waffles downstairs, and initiated 'The Cool Kids Table' with other attendees, then I had a panel to get to at 9, so we wrapped it up at 8:30.

Blending Religion Into Stories
I was thrilled to be on a panel with Lacy Marie, and though there were only a few audience members, we had a good discussion and some great questions thrown at us.

Afterward, I headed back to the table and signed up for two Prime Signing slots, then went around with my camera and got nearly everyone.

Popped into Amy McCorkle's screening of Letters To Daniel, and enjoyed it, even though there were minor sound issues, and a continuity issue with one of the scenes in the car.

Did my ten-minute Author Reading of Teacher's Pet and a snippet of Bad Ass Fairies, to about three people, then laughed when two of them left immediately afterward, just as Daniel Dark arrived for his slot.  

"Thanks, drove them away!"

Did my Prime signing, then sold my 1st two books after returning to the table.  A guy named Shawn, who's writing his first book, was thrilled to talk to me, and bought Bad Decisions and Heart's Last Chance.

Awards Banquet
I ran back to the room to do a quick change into my brown shirt and earrings.  Was startled to realize I needed an actual ticket, but was able to pull up my email and show her the receipt.  Sat with friend Beverly Ovalle, and enjoyed the belly dancer and the acrobats, though we couldn't really see them much.  Dinner was a disappointment; the alfredo sauce was cold; the veggies were empty.  I went ahead and bought a rum and coke, for whatever happened during the awards.

We did come in 2nd to Neil Gaiman's Twisted Tales of Terror, so my drink turned into a consolation drink.  N and I went back to the room.  I showered and worked on the Hotel Stories upload; she went to bed.

Ate another identical breakfast, then made the rounds and finished my picture-taking, then it was panel time.

Pushing Through:
Mysti Parker and Tommy B were on the panel with me, and this one was very well attended.  I got laughs when I told them about BICHOK or BICFOK (Butt In Chair, Hands/Fingers On Keyboard), but had several people come up afterward and thank us for sharing our tips.

Cross-Genre Author:
Another panel that was very well attended, and had lots of questions thrown at us.  Because of it, once I was at my 2nd Prime Signing, Robb Hoff and I did an even swap.  Then, Mysti arrived and bought Bad Decisions.  Back at my table, another young lady bought Heart's Last Chance.

Paid $20 for an autograph of Jeffrey Reddick for Sara, and posed for a picture with him.  Then found Arlen Andrews and bought his book for the hubby.  Finally, I bought Sara Marian's book.

N was in her depressed mood, since we'd only sold one copy of Hotel Stories the previous day, and bemoaned the fact I'd sold four, and she only one.  I tried to remind her that at other venues, she'd outsold me!  But she wasn't in the mood for a pep talk from anyone, not even when Brian tried to talk to her.

Met a guy who has a brilliant idea for audio books and for selling e-books, yet N thinks we can do the same thing with the e-books on our own.  Will do some research to see which way to go.

So Did My Strategy Work?
Yes.  I spent more time at my table; I talked with nearly everyone. and was thrilled when I saw 'Holly Bargo's' table....couldn't remember where I 'knew' her from, until I turned over her book and saw 'Hen House'....The Blog Challenge!  Probably spent too much $$ this year, but I still have funds to save for the next payday,so I'm happy.

I will be entering Bad Decisions into Best Antho, and maybe my short story Family Matters for Short Story.  Not sure if Catered will fit the criteria for Best Single Author Antho or even Romance book, since it's technically a re-pub.  I'm also going to make an effort to take advantage of the early table discount.  If N chooses to attend next year, great.  If not, that's fine too.

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